ZnZin 22 March 2002 release

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ZnZin 22 March 2002 release

Postby Fred on Thu Jun 01, 2023 8:32 pm

zplayer 0.020322

last updated 2002.03.22

Jiho Choi (zho@korea.com, http://zho.pe.kr)
Graphics Laboratory, Soongsil University

1. Overview
This program plays a skinned 3D character animation using OpenGL.
The characters are exported through 3D studio max using a self-made exporter plugin.

2. Features
- 3ds max export plugin (.zma:material, .zmo:motion, .zmd:model)
- skinning (3ds max physique)
- texture mapping (supports .tga files)
- virtual trackball
- inverse kinematics (inverse kinematics)
- motion retargeting (to follow the same footsteps even with different foot lengths)
- slope walking by IK (generate slope walking behavior with inverse kinematics)
- OpenGL
- Simple Directmedia Layer (SDL)
- linux port

3. directory structure
\bin <-------------- Contains executables and data.
\doc <-------------- Simple file format descriptions
\exporter <--------- exporter related
\graphic <---------- graphic related sources
\misc <------------- miscellaneous sources
\zmaexp <----------- .zma exporter sources
\zmdexp <----------- .zmd exporter sources
\zmoexp <----------- .zmo exporter source

4. how to run
- Go to the \bin directory and execute gina.bat.
- Rotate: Left mouse button drag
- Move: Right mouse button drag
- Zoom in/out: middle mouse button or shift+left mouse button dragging
(See main.c for more detailed functions. ^^)

5. Copyright and other matters
- This program may be distributed, copied, and modified without authorization from me (Jiho Choi).
- I am not responsible for any errors or damages caused by the code of this program.
- You can send inquiries about this source code to zho@korea.com, but I cannot make any guarantees about replies.
- You may be able to download the latest version of this program from http://zho.pe.kr.
I don't know :-)
- Please ignore the comments in English in the source code completely. It may be more distracting to analyze
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